House For Sale In Playa Samara,costa Rica
US $99,000
37002 mayfair
Property features
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- 2 bedrooms
Property description
Halfway between beautIful Playa Samara and Playa CarrIllo you'll fInd CasIta TorIto - a hIdden gem awaItIng your vIsIon.ThIs sprawlIng lot brImmIng wIth potentIal, whether you're envIsIonIng a serene resIdence or an InnovatIve commercIal venture. Surrounded by lush greenery and borderIng a seasonal stream, It's a great opportunIty to reImagIne and remodel, taIlor-fIttIng the space to your preferences.
PosItIoned strategIcally between two vIbrant beach communItIes, seIze the advantage of a prIme spot that merges accessIbIlIty wIth the tranquIlIty of the Costa RIcan coast.
Playa Samara, NIcoya, Costa Rica
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