Renewable energy: ‘drastic action needed’

Renewable energy targets will only be met if there are ‘urgent and drastic’ policy and system changes, the House of Lords EU committee has said.

Renewable sources must contribute 15% of UK energy by 2020, but the EU committee has said that planning law muct be reformed to allow ministers to overrule local opposition to projects such as wind farms. Currently, about 2 per cent of energy comes from renewable sources.

The Lords also recommend that wind power must not be relied upon too heavily, and that the National Grid must be capable of accepting more green energy.

Lord Freeman, chairman of the committee, said: ‘The 15% [renewable energy] target is laudable, but is an enormous challenge for the UK, particularly given our current levels of renewable generation.

‘The target is achievable but only through a tremendous national effort on a Churchillian scale.’

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If renewable energy targets were to be met, said Lord Freeman, ‘Urgent and drastic action will need to be taken in terms of planning, the supply chain and the electricity grid.’

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