Curious Observations: Collection of blackberries for soldiers

The peculiar interests and perspective of the magazine can occasionally help highlight wartime initiatives that have – surely – never made it to the history books

‘It was an excellent idea on the part of the Government to organise the collection of blackberries for the purpose of making jam for the soldiers. There is no combination they like better than blackberries and apples. Fortunately, there seems to be an extraordinarily fine crop of the latter this year, no doubt a considerable number had been clown down by the gales, but, even so, an abundance will be left so that apples should be very cheap fruit in the autumn. Blackberries, too, are making a good appearance.

In various parts of the country, however, the blackberry is in the way of being curtailed as to quantity. If there is one thing the modern farmer is more determined about than another, it is the reduction of the great rambling hedge of wild rose and bramble thorn and sloe, spreading over many square yards of land. When the farmer resolves to cultivate right up to the hedge, it is evident that he must curtail the supply of blackberries.’

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