Cocks Only

The tales of the author’s experiences as a female shot in sports that many would still regard as bastions of male chauvinism are incredibly entertaining and witty. The vast majority of guns would recoil in horror at the thought of publicly recounting their most embarrassing or unfortunate moments in the field, but fortunately Piffa Schroder comes from different stock.

Whether she has spent fruitless hours in a frozen ditch on a barren goose flight, been humiliated on a day when her aim is permanently faulty, or acted as the butt for a dour keeper’s strange sense of humour, she can be guaranteed to poke fun at herself and share her latest misfortune with her readers.

It is hard to select a favourite, but the pieces on an eccentric Spanish roe deer stalker and a smart Belgian boar hunt really stand out. The same is true of the story of the boorish Austrian estate owner who felt that the pursuit of his beloved chamois should be an exclusively male preserve.

Last but not least, special mention should be made of Tim Jaques’s excellent drawings. His delightful illustrations superbly complement the writer’s recollections of the amusing incidents and the rich variety of characters she has encountered in the world of fieldsports round the globe.