Madeira cake

Surprisingly, this cake is a light concoction of flour and lemon and does not contain a single drop of Madeira. It is so called because it was traditionally enjoyed with a glass of fortified wine.

Surprisingly, this medeira cake recipe is a light concoction of flour and lemon and does not contain a single drop of Madeira. It is so called because it was traditionally enjoyed with a glass of fortified wine.

2 eggs
4 «oz (130g) flour
4 «oz (130g) butter
4 «oz (130g) sugar
15g ground almonds
rind of 1 « lemon, grated
1/2 teaspoon baking powder


  • Cream butter with sugar, until smooth.
  • Add beaten eggs, blending carefully.
  • Fold in flour, ground almonds and baking powder and stir to obtain a smooth mixture.
  • Add lemon rind and bake for 35min at 200§C (400§F, Gas Mark 6)