The perfect roast lamb

Simple, dramatic, and ideal for spring, this roast lamb recipe is guaranteed to impress.

The perfect roast lamb

1 leg of lamb
2lb old potatoes
Olive oil
Sprigs of rosemary
Sea salt

Score the lamb, top and underneath, in diamonds, just cutting into the meat through the skin. Push slivers of garlic and generous sprigs of rosemary into the cuts with sea salt, and rub the whole lot with olive oil. Peel the potatoes and slice finely in a food processor or mandoline, then rinse in cold water to bring out the starch. Put the dried sliced potatoes with more slivers of garlic and sea salt into an ovenproof dish and drizzle with olive oil. Put them on the bottom of a hot oven and, on the shelf above without a dish, place the leg of lamb. Leave it until it is cooked it’s best pink with the juices falling onto the potatoes and flavouring them. Serve with nothing but sprigs of watercress and mint or redcurrant jelly if you wish (I do).