Country houses for sale

Boom, bust and property lust: Penny Churchill on 30 years of Britain’s best houses

Country Life's long-standing property correspondent Penny Churchill looks back on three decades of writing about Britain's finest houses.

This week’s podcast features Country Life’s long-standing property correspondent Penny Churchill, who looks back on three decades of writing about Britain’s finest houses.

Nobody in Britain has seen more of the nation’s great country houses than Penny, who has been writing Country Life magazine’s ‘Property Market’ column since 1992.

From the ups and of the market in the past three decades to the quirkiest agents and owners, Penny speaks to host James Fisher to share her insights on the country houses that have been at the heart of her career.

You can listen to the podcast right here, or from wherever you get your podcasts — including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify.

Episode credits

Host: James Fisher

Producer and Editor: Toby Keel

Guest: John Goodall

Music: ‘Summertime’ by JuliusH

Special thanks: Adam Wilbourn