Record year for Scottish sea eagles

Sea eagle pairs have had a record breeding season, with 46 breeding pairs and 36 chicks fledging and leaving their nests, according to RSPB Scotland.

Among the breeding birds this season were a new pair on Lewis in the Western Isles and one in Lochaber.

This is the best breeding season since the reintroduction of sea eagles in 1970, and one of the healthiest populations for 150 years.

Environment Minister Roseanna Cunningham says:’Everyone involved should be congratulated on their achievements, as thanks to this reintroduction, a little piece of Scotland is being

restored to its former glory.’

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) adds that landowners and land managers deserved thanks for their part in

helping the raptors establish territories.

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SNH’s Prof Colin Galbraith says: ‘This is important progress in re-establishing sea eagles across their historic range in Scotland, and is the result of a huge effort by many people over the past 30 years.

‘It shows what can be done to reinstate a key part of our natural heritage.’

Five of this year’s chicks have been fitted with satellite tags so that the RSPB can monitor their progress. Two of these chicks on Mull can be followed via

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